Task Lister V1.1 - Update
Read update notes below.
Task Lister is a portable task manager that can be used as an alternative to the native Windows Task Manager. It is great for flash drives or disk to use on computers that have viruses that have disabled the task manager or it can be used as a lightweight alternative to your normal Task Manager. Though not full-featured, it can do the basic things that need to be done when hunting down viruses or whatever processes you might want to handle or find.
With Task Lister you can:
- Kill any process
- Open a processes folder location in explorer
- Restart Windows Explorer
- Run any file
- Alt+K - Kill the higlighted process
- Alt+O - Open the higlighted processes folder location in explorer, if possible
- Alt+R - Restart Windows Explorer
- Alt+U - Run any file
Upadte Notes:
- V1 - Intial release.
- V1.1 - Fixes
- Task list now only updates when there is no user input.
- Smoother menu and task list navigation.
- Runs at a higher priorty.
- Added a fade transition when the gui minimizes or exits. Only seems to work in Windows 10.
Script - Initial
; List all tasks in a Gui with a ComboBox ; Init if not A_IsAdmin { Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ExitApp } #NoEnv #SingleInstance, Force SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% OnMessage(0x200,"WM_MOUSEHOVER") OnMessage(0x18,"WM_SHOWWINDOW") OnMessage(0x2a3,"WM_MOUSELEAVE") OnMessage(0x201,"WM_LBUTTONDOWN") CoordMode, ToolTip, Client ; Vars defaultWidth:=240 x:="explorer.exe" ; Build menus, intial loops and guis here Menu, MainMenu, Add, &Run,FileOpen, +Break Menu, MainMenu, Add, Restart &Explorer,RestartExplorer Menu, MainMenu, Add, E&xit,GuiClose Menu, HelpMenu, Add, &Help,Help, +Break Menu, HelpMenu, Add, &About,About Menu, MyMenuBar, Add, &File, :MainMenu Menu, MyMenuBar, Add, &Help, :HelpMenu Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Tip, % Spaces("Tab") Spaces("Tab") "Task Lister`nRight click for menu" Menu, Tray, Add, &Run, FileOpen Menu, Tray, Add, &Help, Help Menu, Tray, Add, Restart &Explorer,RestartExplorer Menu, Tray, Add, &About Task Lister, About Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, E&xit,GuiClose tl:=TaskList(,,1) Gui, Margin, 1, 1 Gui, Color,0xFEFEFA 0xFFFFFF Gui, Font, s15 w500, Segoe UI Gui, Add,Progress,Section w%defaultWidth% Background0x0D4F82 c0x0078D7, 100 Gui, Add, Text, w%defaultWidth% +BackgroundTrans 0x200 +Center c0xFEFEFA yp, Task Lister MinButton(200,20,"FEFEFA","FEFEFA",True) CloseButton(220,8,"FEFEFA","FEFEFA",True) Gui, Font, s8 w100 c0xFEFEFA, Segoe UI Gui, Add, Progress, Background0x0D4F82 w%defaultWidth% h20 xs c0x0078D7, 100 MenuItem("&File",28,,1) MenuItem("&About") Gui, Font, s9 w400 Gui, Add, ComboBox, xs Choose1 vChoice w%defaultWidth% 0x1 h250 +ReadOnly, % tl Button("0x0D4F82","0x0078D7",defaultWidth,"&Kill Selected Task","Task Lister","FEFEFA",13) Button("0x0D4F82","0x0078D7",defaultWidth,"&Open Process Location`n(If possible)","Task Lister","FEFEFA",13) Button("0x0D4F82","0x0078D7",defaultWidth,"&Restart Explorer","Task Lister","FEFEFA",13) Button("0x0D4F82","0x0078D7",defaultWidth,"R&un File","Task Lister","FEFEFA",13) Gui, Show, , Task Lister WinSet, TransColor, 0x123456 , Task Lister Gui, -Caption +Border Gui, Show, AutoSize, Task Lister Gui, +LastFound +HwndMainHwnd this_id:=WinExist() ControlSend, ComboBox1,{Right}, ahk_id %this_id% VarSetCapacity(tme,16,0) NumPut(16,tme,0), NumPut(2,tme,4), NumPut(MainHwnd,tme,8) DllCall( "TrackMouseEvent","uint",&tme ) SetTimer,RefreshList, 150 ; End auto execute Return ; Hotkeys #IfWinActive, Task Lister Alt & r::Gosub, RestartExplorer Alt & o::Gosub, Open Alt & k::Gosub, ButtonKillSelectedTask Alt & u::Gosub, FileOpen Alt & f:: CoordMode, Mouse, Client MouseMove,%S2X%,%S2Y2% Menu, MainMenu, Show CoordMode, Mouse, Screen Return Alt & a:: CoordMode, Mouse, Client MouseMove,%S2X%,%S2Y2% Menu, HelpMenu, Show CoordMode, Mouse ,Screen Return ;$Down::Send, {Down}{Home} #IfWinActive ; Functions #Include, TLLib.ahk #Include, ProcessInfo.ahk ; Classes ; Subs RestartExplorer: If ProcExist(x) { Sleep, 150 While, % ProcExist(x) { Process, Close, % x Sleep, 1 } WinWait, ahk_exe %x%,,10 If ErrorLevel { MsgBox,20,Restart Explorer Error, % "Explorer.exe could not be started.`n`n" . "Trying opening manually?" IfMsgBox, Yes Gosub, FileOpen Return } } Else Run, % x SetTimer, CheckX, -4000 Return CheckX: WinActivate, ahk_id %this_id% If ProcExist(x) TrayTip, Task Lister Info, Explorer.exe was restarted successfully. Return Open: Gui, Submit, NoHide DetectHiddenWindows, On WinGet,expid,PID, ahk_exe %Choice% this_path:=GetModuleFileNameEx(expid) SplitPath,this_path, ,ndir If ndir Run % ndir Else MsgBox,64,Task Lister Info,% "Can not get path from executable." DetectHiddenWindows, Off Return ButtonKillSelectedTask: Gui, Submit, NoHide Process, Close, % Choice WinWaitNotActive, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass Gui, Flash Gosub, RefreshList Return RefreshList: IfWinActive, % "ahk_id " this_id { exe:="" Gui, Submit, NoHide Loop, Parse, % TaskList(,,1), | { exe:=(A_LoopField == Choice)?1:0 If exe Break } If (!Choice || !exe) { ControlFocus,ComboBox1, ahk_id %this_id% ControlSend, ComboBox1,{Down}, ahk_id %this_id% } If (tl != TaskList(,,1)) { IfWinActive, ahk_id %this_id% { WinActivate, ahk_id %this_id% GuiControl,,ComboBox1, % "|" TaskList(,,1) Gui, Flash SetTimer, TT_FADE_IN, -1 } proc:="" proc:=TaskList(,1) tl:=TaskList(,,1) } ControlGetFocus,focus, ahk_id %this_id% If (focus != "Edit1") ControlSend, ComboBox1,{Right}, ahk_id %this_id% } Return TT_FADE_IN: ToolTip % "TaskList updated" ttx:=window._x("ahk_id " this_id)+(E1X-2) tty:=window._y("ahk_id " this_id)+(E1Y-2) WinMove, ahk_class tooltips_class32, ,%ttx% ,%tty% If TT_FADE("in",32) SetTimer,TT_FADE_OUT_FAST,-800 Return TT_FADE_OUT_FAST: TT_FADE("out",16) Return TT_FADE_OUT_SLOW: TT_FADE("out",2) Return FileOpen: FileSelectFile,file,3, % A_WinDir "\System32" If file { Run, % file Gui, Flash file:="" } Return Help: MsgBox,68,Task Lister Help, % Spaces("Tab") "Task Lister is a simple program to view or kill`n" . "Windows processes. In this portable program some`n" . "process locations can not be opened in explorer,`n" . "but others can.`n`n" . "Hotkeys" A_Tab "Function`n" . "-------" A_Tab "--------`n" . "Alt+K" A_Tab "Kill selected process.`n" . "Alt+O" A_Tab "Open selected processes folder location.`n`" . "Alt+R" A_Tab "Restart Windows Explorer.`n" . "Alt+U" A_Tab "Run a file.`n`n" . "Email me with questions or suggestions?" IfMsgBox, Yes Gosub, Email Return About: MsgBox,64,Task Lister Info, % Spaces("Tab") "Task Lister is a portable task manager for the Windows `n" . "OS. It can be put on a disk or flash drive to use on systems `n" . "that have been infected by viruses and the default Task `n" . "Manager has been disabled.`n`n" . Spaces("Tab") "This is not a full-featured task manager, but feel free to`n" . "use as a light-weight replacement for your task manager on`n" . "your own system.`n`n" . "Written in AutoHotkey by Ian Pride @ New Pride Services 2016" Return Email: Run, mailto:faithnomoread@yahoo.com Return KillTT: counters2=255 Loop { If (counters2 <= -1) Break Sleep, 1 SetTrans("ahk_class tooltips_class32",counters2) counters2-=16 } ToolTip Return GuiClose: ExitApp
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