
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

AHK Script Generator

AHK Script Generator

If you like AutoHotkey and you make a lot of scripts either for fun or for work then you might sometimes have trouble with keeping your scripts organized. You might also have issues with remembering which old script has a function you want to recycle or which includes to include. One solution I have had is to keep templates for specific types of scripts. For example, I might have a game-template.ahk file or gui-template.xml file which I can just copy and paste into a new file and edit as needed. If you do a lot of scripting then this can be time consuming and so I have written a helpful utility to help generate or import custom AutoHotkey script templates.

Today I bring you AHK Script Generator V1.0! With a single click you can create date generated AHK script files with a very basic template in any folder of your choice. With just a few clicks you can import your own templates and then with a single click rename and make many duplicates.


And the code...

; Create pre-generated AutoHotkey script
; with a basic template or import your own
#SingleInstance, Force
; Init
OnExit, Leave

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; Vars
innerTitle := "; Header and/or title here"
df := "Segoe UI"
csf := "Lucida Console"
Global asg := "AutoHotkey Script Generator"
about =
AutoHotkey Script Generator is a small, but efficient utility to help you create lots of AutoHotkey scripts. You can instantly generate a basic universal script written by me or you can import your own pre-written templates.

extend =
 AHK Script Generator is, of course, written in the scripting language called AutoHotkey. For more information on the amazing scripting language that I love above all else please visit any of the links below:
; Build menus, intial loops and guis here
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, Rld
Menu, Tray, Add, About AHK Script Generator, Abt
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Leave

Gui, Color, , 0xFFFFE0
Gui, Add, Tab3, w500 h600 vtaba, Create Script|Import Template|About
Gui, Tab, Create Script
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text, , AutoHotkey Script Name`n(Optional - generated by time and date).
cf(, csf, "00001F")
Gui, Add, Edit, h23 vtitle
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text, , Script title or starting comments`n(Optional - adds whatever you type). 
cf(, csf, "00001F")
Gui, Add, Edit, 0x1000 r5 vinnerTitle, % innerTitle
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text, ,Choose your directory`n(Optional - defaults to this programs directory).
cf(, csf, "00001F")
Gui, Add, Edit, vdir h23, % A_WorkingDir
ControlGetPos, xe3b, ye3b, we3b, he3b, Edit3, % asg
b1x := (xe3b + we3b) + 4
Gui, Add, Button, x%b1x% yp-1 vb1 h24, Select Directory
ControlGetPos, xb1a, yb1a, wb1a, hb1a, Button1, % asg
b1width := (xb1a + wb1a) - 10
If (b1width < 420)
  gap := (420 - b1width)
  e3w := we3b + gap
  b1width := "420"
  GuiControl, Move, dir, w%e3w%
  ControlGetPos, xe3c, ye3c, we3c, he3c, Edit3, % asg
  bgap := (xe3c + we3c) - 7
  GuiControl, Move, b1, x%bgap%
e2width := b1width - 14
fwidth := b1width + 32
GuiControl, Move, innerTitle, w%e2width%
GuiControl, Move, title, w%e2width%
ControlGetPos, xe3a, ye3a, we3a, he3a, Edit3, % asg
b2x := xe3a - 4
b2w := fwidth - 44
cf("24", , , "500", "5")
Gui, Add, Button, x%b2x% w%b2w% y+8 h64, Generate Script
ControlGetPos, xb2a, yb2a, wb2a, hb2a, Button2, % asg
fheight := (yb2a + hb2a) - 8
If (fwidth < 364)
 fwidth := "364"
wtab := fwidth - 18
htab := fheight - 12
GuiControl, Move, taba, w%wtab% h%htab%
Gui, Tab, Import Template
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text,  vimpt, % "You can import your custom templates here."
         . "`nYou can use any readable text file in any"
         . "`nformat: TXT, AHK, XML etc..."
ControlGetPos, xs4a, ys4a, ws4a, hs4a, Static4, % asg
b4y := ys4a + hs4a
cf(, csf, "00001F")
Gui, Add, Edit, vimp
ControlGetPos, xe4a, ye4a, we4a, he4a, Edit4, % asg
b4ny := (ye4a - ys4a) + 5
e4w := xe4a + we4a
Gui, Add, Button, x+8 yp  h23 vfile, Select File
ControlGetPos, xb4a, yb4a, wb4a, hb4a, Button3, % asg
b4w := xb4a + wb4a
If (b4w < fwidth)
  bgap := fwidth - b4w
  e4nw := (bgap + we4a) - 16
  GuiControl, Move, imp, w%e4nw%
  xb4nx := (xe4a + e4nw) - 8
  GuiControl, Move, file, x%xb4nx% y%b4ny%
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text, x%xe4a% y%yb4a% , % "Name your script`n(Optional - will keep templates name)."
cf(, csf, "00001F")
Gui, Add, Edit, viname w%e2width%
ControlGetPos, xe5a, ye5a, we5a, he5a, Edit5, % asg
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text, x%xe4a% y%ye5a%, Choose your directory`n(Optional - defaults to this programs directory).
cf(, csf, "00001F")
Gui, Add, Edit, vifile, % A_WorkingDir
ControlGetPos, xe6a, ye6a, we6a, he6a, Edit6, % asg
Gui, Add, Button, gSelect2 x+8 yp-1 h23 v2file, Select Directory
ControlGetPos, xb5a, yb5a, wb5a, hb5a, Button4, % asg
b5w := xb5a + wb5a
b6y := fheight - 82 ; he6a + 8
If (b5w < fwidth)
  b4gap := fwidth - b5w
  e5nw := (b4gap + we6a) - 16
  GuiControl, Move, ifile, w%e5nw%
  xb5nx := (xe6a + e5nw) - 8
  GuiControl, Move, 2file, x%xb5nx%
cf("24", , , "500", "5")
b6x := b2x + 4
Gui, Add, Button, x%b6x% w%b2w% y%b6y% h64 g2gen, Generate Script
Gui, Tab, About
cf("14", , "000080", , "5")
Gui, Add, Text, w%e2width%, % about extend
cf("14", , "Red", , "5")
Gui, Add, Link, , Official Site AutoHotkey.com
Gui, Add, Link,y+0 , Official Forum AutoHotkey Forums
Gui, Add, Link,y+0 , My Blog The Tech Micrcosm
Gui, Show, w%fwidth% h%fheight%, % asg

; End auto execute

; Hotkeys
!r::Gosub, Rld

; Functions
 Gui, Show, , AutoHotkey Script Generator
cf(size := "10", font := "Segoe UI", color := "Black", weight := "400", qty := "0"){
 Gui, Font, s%size% c%color% w%weight% q%qty%, % font 
funcCreateScript(dir, com, title){
 If (title = "")
  title := "AutoHotkey_" funcGetTime() ".ahk"
  title := title ".ahk"
 If (com = "")
  com := "; " title
 fp := dir "\" title
 IfNotExist, % fp

`; Init
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir `%A_ScriptDir`%

`; Vars

`; Build menus, intial loops and guis here

`; End auto execute

`; Hotkeys

`; Functions

`; Classes

`; Subs

), % fp
 funcCheckFiles(fp, asg)
funcCheckFiles(file, msgtitle){
 IfExist, % file
  MsgBox, 64, % msgtitle " Info", % "Your script was created successfully at:`n`n" file
  MsgBox, 16,  % msgtitle " Error", % file . "`nwas not created. If you are trying to save to a folder"
              . "`nyou do not own then you will need to run this program"
              . "`nas adminstrator and try again."  

 FormatTime, a,, MM.dd.yyyy_h.mm.ss_tt
 Return a
 MsgBox, 16, % asg " Error", % "AutoHotkey script file:`n`n" file "`n`nalready exists. Please rename the existing file or try a different name."
; Classes
Class Globals {
  %vVar% := vVal
  Local vTmp
  vTmp := %vVar%
  Return vTmp

; Subs
 MsgBox, 64, AHK Script Generator Info, % about "Please refer to the programs About tab for informative web links."
 DriveGet, a, list
 Loop, Parse, a
   IfExist, % A_LoopField ":\Users\" A_Username "\Desktop\"
    FileSelectFolder, dir, % A_LoopField ":\", 3
 GuiControl, , dir, % dir
 DriveGet, b, list
 Loop, Parse, b
   IfExist, % A_LoopField ":\Users\" A_Username "\Desktop\"
    FileSelectFolder, 2dir, % A_LoopField ":\", 3
 GuiControl, , ifile, % 2dir
 Gui, Submit, NoHide
 funcCreateScript(dir, innerTitle, title)
 Gui, Submit, NoHide
 If iname
  name := iname
  name := fn
 If !2dir
  tdir := A_WorkingDir "\"
  tdir := 2dir "\"
 finalf := tdir name ".ahk"
 IfNotExist, % finalf
   FileRead, copy,  % file
   FileAppend, %copy%, % finalf
   funcCheckFiles(finalf, asg)
 FileSelectFile, file
 SplitPath, file, , , ,fn
 GuiControl, , imp, % file

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