Volume Revolver V1.0
If you listen to or watch media on your computer then you know it can be a pain to change the volume sometimes, especially if you don't have a media keyboard. Lots of people (including myself) like to use apps that utilize the mousewheel for quick, on-the-fly volume control.
There are a few programs out there that work well, but most have a bunch of extra stuff I don't use or need and even though I have a large hard drive I prefer applications as small as possible. There is nothing wrong with those programs and if I hadn't written my own I would certainly recommend them, but today I bring you Volume Revolver V1.0!!!
Volume Revolver is a very small, quick, and efficient program that, as stated above, controls your computer with modifier keys and the mouse wheel. For example to turn the volume up slowly (precise) you would hold the 'Control' key and scroll the mouse wheel up. To turn the volume up fast (+10 each scroll) just hold the 'Shift' key and scroll the mouse wheel up etc.
Volume Revolver is an AHK script compiled for portability and dependencies, if you would like to use the actual script you must have AutoHotkey installed.
To use just place the portable executable wherever you like and run. It runs in the background, but has a system tray icon with options and a help screen, but the help screen can be accessed via the Control+Click Wheel Button. You can set this to run at startup with a system tray option and if you move the application there is a fix startup button to reset the old startup entry and prepare for the new one.
Screen of the 'Help' window
- Portable compiled executable: volumerevolver.exe
- AHK script: volumerevolver.ahk
- Icon - for use with ahk script: volumerevolver.ico
AHK Script Source
#SingleInstance, Force ;Variables SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% _vttclss := "ahk_class tooltips_class32" _vThsScrpt := A_WorkingDir "\" A_ScriptName ;_vIco := A_WorkingDir "\volumerevolver.ico" ;Menu, Tray, Icon, %_vIco% _fRgRd(_vThsScrpt, _vIco) OnExit, gsAppClose ;End Auto-execute Return ;Hotkeys ~^MButton::_fHlp() ^WheelUp::Gosub, gsVUO +WheelUp::Gosub, gsVU +WheelDown::Gosub, gsVD !WheelUp:: SoundSet, 0, , mute _fGtSnd(_vttclss,"1") Return ^WheelDown::Gosub, gsVDO !WheelDown:: SoundSet, 1, , mute _fGtSnd(_vttclss,"1") Return ;gosubs gsRld: Reload Return gsTT: ToolTip,,,,1 Return gsVU: SoundSet, +10 _fGtSnd(_vttclss) Return gsVD: SoundSet, -10 _fGtSnd(_vttclss) Return gsVUO: SoundSet, +1 _fGtSnd(_vttclss) Return gsVDO: SoundSet, -1 _fGtSnd(_vttclss) Return gsRgWrtEn: RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, VolumeRevolver, % _vThsScrpt _fRgRd(_vThsScrpt, _vIco) Return gsRgWrtDs: RegDelete, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, VolumeRevolver _fRgRd(_vThsScrpt, _vIco) Return ;Functions _fRgRd(_vThsScrpt, _vIco){ Menu, Tray, DeleteAll RegRead, _vStts, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, VolumeRevolver Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, Volume +10, gsVU Menu, Tray, Add, Volume -10, gsVD Menu, Tray, Add, Toggle &Mute, _fTgMt Menu, Tray, Add If (_vStts = "") Menu, Tray, Add, Enable at &startup, gsRgWrtEn Else { If (_vStts = _vThsScrpt) Menu, Tray, Add, Disable at &startup, gsRgWrtDs Else Menu, Tray, Add, Fix &startup, gsRgWrtDs } Menu, Tray, Add, &Help, _fHlp Menu, Tray, Add, &Reload Volume Revolver, gsRld Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, E&xit, gsAppClose ;Menu, Tray, Icon, E&xit, %_vIco%, ,16 } MouseOver(_vXa, _vYa, _vXb, _vYb) { MouseGetPos, _vPx, _vPy _vDtct := _vPx >= _vXa AND _vPx <= _vXb AND _vPy >= _vYa AND _vPy <= _vYb Return _vDtct } WM_SHOWWINDOW(){ WM_MOUSEHOVER() } WM_MOUSEHOVER(){ If MouseOver("72","246","192","272") _fGCntrl("230","238","42") Else _fGCntrl("246","246","26") _fHdShw("8","64","38","1","2") _fHdShw("42","64","72","3","4") _fHdShw("76","64","106","5","6") _fHdShw("110","64","140","7","8") _fHdShw("144","64","174","9","10") _fHdShw("178","64","208","11","12") _fHdShw("212","64","232","13","14") } _fHdShw(_xb, _xc, _xd, _a, _b){ If MouseOver("8",_xb,_xc,_xd) { _fGCntrlShw(_a) _fGCntrlShw(_b) } Else { _fGCntrlHd(_a) _fGCntrlHd(_b) } } _fGCntrl(_vY1, _vY2, _vH){ Global t15, t16 GuiControl Move, t15, x72 y%_vY1% w120 h%_vH% 100, 100 GuiControl Move, t16, x72 y%_vY2% w120 Control ExStyle, -0x20000, ,% "ahk_id" t15 } _fGCntrlShw(_vTStrtIndx){ Global t1, t2,t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t15, t16, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14 GuiControl, Show, t%_vTStrtIndx% Control ExStyle, -0x20000, ,% "ahk_id" t%_vTStrtIndx% } _fGCntrlHd(_vTStrtIndx){ Global t1, t2,t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t15, t16, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14 GuiControl, Hide, t%_vTStrtIndx% } WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam,lParam,msg,hwnd){ ; Move window when grabbed and dragged PostMessage, 0xA1, 2 If MouseOver("72","246","192","272") Gosub, GuiClose } _fHlp(){ Global t1, t2,t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t15, t16, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16 OnMessage(0x201,"WM_LBUTTONDOWN") OnMessage(0x200,"WM_MOUSEHOVER") OnMessage(0x18,"WM_SHOWWINDOW") Gui, Destroy Gui, Color, 0093E4, 333333 Gui, Add, Progress,x4 y4 w192 h272 cFFFFFF BackgroundFFFFFF, 100 Gui, Add, Progress,x4 y4 w64 h272 c0093E4 BackgroundFFFFFF, 100 Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+4 yp+4 w56 h30 cFFFFFF,Ctrl+Wheel Up Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4,Volume Up - Slow Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp-64 yp+34 w56 h30 cFFFFFF ,Ctrl+Wheel Down Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4 ,Volume Down - Slow Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp-64 yp+34 w56 h30 cFFFFFF ,Shift+Wheel Up Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4 ,Volume Up - Fast Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp-64 yp+34 w56 h30 cFFFFFF ,Shift+Wheel Down Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4 ,Volume Down - Fast Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp-64 yp+34 w56 h30 cFFFFFF ,Alt+Wheel Up Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4 ,Mute Off Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp-64 yp+34 w56 h30 cFFFFFF ,Alt+Wheel Down Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4 ,Mute On Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp-64 yp+34 w56 h30 cFFFFFF ,Ctrl+Click Wheel Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp+64 yp w124 h30 c0093E4 ,This help screen _fMkHvrBttns("8","1","2","Volume Up - Slow") _fMkHvrBttns("42","3","4","Volume Down - Slow") _fMkHvrBttns("76","5","6","Volume Up - Fast") _fMkHvrBttns("110","7","8","Volume Down - Fast") _fMkHvrBttns("144","9","10","Mute Off") _fMkHvrBttns("178","11","12","Mute On") _fMkHvrBttns("212","13","14","This help screen") Gui, Add, Progress, xp-64 yp+25 w56 h26 cFFFFFF BackgroundFFFFFF, 100 Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp yp w56 h30 c0093E4 ,Volume Revolver Gui, Add, Progress,x72 y246 w120 h26 c0093E4 Background0093E4 vt15 hwndt15, 100 Gui, Font, s16 cWhite, Verdana Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp yp w120 vt16, Exit Gui, -Caption +AlwaysOnTop 0x80880000 Gui, Show,w200 h280, Volume Revolver Help } _fMkHvrBttns(_vY, _vVrA, _vVrB, _vMsg){ Global t1, t2,t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14 Gui, Add, Progress,x72 y%_vY% w120 h34 c0093E4 Background0093E4 Hidden vt%_vVrA%, 100 Gui, Add, Text,+BackgroundTrans +Center xp yp+9 w124 h30 cFFFFFF Hidden vt%_vVrB%, %_vMsg% } _fTgMt(){ SoundGet, _vMtSt, Master, Mute If (_vMtSt = "On") SoundSet, 0, , mute Else SoundSet, 1, , mute } _fGtSnd(_vttclss, _vType = 0){ SetFormat, Float, 0 SetTimer, gsTT, -750 If (_vType = "1") { SoundGet, _vMt, Master, Mute _fIntTT(_vX, _vY) ToolTip, % "Mute is " _vMt,%_vX%,%_vY%,1 _fCntrObj(_vX, _vY) } Else { SoundGet, _vMstr, Master _fIntTT(_vX, _vY) ToolTip, % "Volume: " _vMstr,%_vX%,%_vY%,1 _fCntrObj(_vX, _vY) } SetFormat, Float, 0.000000 } _fIntTT(ByRef _vX, ByRef _vY){ _fGtScrn(_vScrnW, _vScrnH) _vX := (_vScrnW / 2) _vY := (_vScrnH / 2) } _fGtScrn(ByRef _vScrnW, ByRef _vScrnH){ SysGet, _vScrn, MonitorWorkArea _vScrnW := _vScrnRight - _vScrnLeft _vScrnH := _vScrnBottom - _vScrnTop } _fCntrObj(ByRef _vX, ByRef _vY, _vTt := "ahk_class tooltips_class32") { _fGtScrn(_vScrnW, _vScrnH) WinGetPos, , , _vGtTtX, _vGtTtY, %_vTt% _vX := (_vScrnW / 2) - (_vGtTtX / 2) _vY := (_vScrnH / 2) - (_vGtTtY / 2) WinMove, %_vTt%, , %_vX%, %_vY% } GuiEscape: GuiClose: Gui, Destroy Return gsAppClose: ExitApp